Here’s our very first blog entry for this ambitious project that will take us on a grand tour throughout much of Scotland’s beautiful coastline. All I can say is, we’re really anxious and excited to get moving and start island-hopping.
Through the blog you can follow the progress of Island Revival and catch a glimpse of where we are/what’s happening through photos, writings, videos, interviews, and audio recordings. It’s a great way for us to generate a discussion about the work as it develops and simply share the experience. Preparations for our field trips and organizing exhibition venues has already begun, and we’ve had some good meetings talking with people that are very supportive of the project. At the moment we are waiting to hear back on many applications to get the funding ball rolling, and very soon we’ll be promoting a crowd-funding campaign so look out for that in the next week!
The marxtlewis.com website is a brand new online base for us and we’re very grateful to have it up and running so quickly thanks to Alexander Baldele & Katja Ratschiller of Nyxas (nyxas.com).